Responsible Vendors e-training

We want all team members trained at the lowest possible price whether for Responsible Vendor Alcohol or Food Handler Training. That's why we offer volume discounts...the more you buy, the less you pay!

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Take The Responsible Vendor Alcohol Tri-Annual Update: ID CHECKING Course on your smartphone or tablet, laptop or desktop! It only takes about a half hour but bookmark the page if you can't finish it all in one sitting. Your certificate will be emailed to you upon completion. The Responsible Vendor Alcohol Tri-Annual Update: ID CHECKING satisfies the mandatory attendance in Florida for a tri-annual update which must be fulfilled every 4 months in order to comply with the Responsible Vendor Program. Every front of the house Food & Beverage Manager, server, bartender, ID checker, cashier, concession stand attendant and anybody else who handles alcoholic beverages must complete a tri-annual update course every 4 months after having completed the Responsible Vendor Alcohol New Hire Course within 30 days of hire/managers within 15 days. Most establishments include all front of the house in the update course requirement as well, even those not necessarily in positions of serving alcohol. This ID checking update emphasizes the checking of identification to prove legal age for alcohol service while also reviewing other alcohol service policies.  The learner must read every screen in it's entirety and answer all of the quiz questions.  Updates expire after 4 months, or even sooner since the entire front of the house must take an update course at the same time. If the establishment's due date is sooner than 4 months from the time you complete this course, you will be required to comply by completing the course requirement along with the group. Although any Responsible Vendor Alcohol tri-annual update course in our online store may be taken for update credit, we urge management to choose a different course each time, rotating the courses throughout the year. Attendees and their managers are urged to pay close attention and re-enroll in their next update prior to the expiration date on the awarded certificate.    Most learners will complete the course in 30 minutes or less however, if you wish to exit the course and save your place to finish it later you may use the bookmarking feature. Bookmarking is a feature that asks if you wish to resume where you left off the last time you were in the Course. Not all browsers support it such as Internet Explorer. We encourage you to try another browser such as Google Chrome or Safari.    Users taking the course on a smart phone are advised to take it in landscape (horizontally) and be prepared to change the view to portrait (vertical) if the arrows disappear or the navigation bar is in the way or the course is not fitting the screen. Switch back to landscape and it should have corrected itself.   If you can't get rid of the navigation bar in your settings (android users) or the screen is too small, we suggest taking the course on a larger device.  The best way to proceed through the course on a mobile device can depend on the browser you're using. You may have the option of swiping or using the navigation arrows or even tapping the screen.  Attendees are urged to forward to or print for management the Certificate attained at the completion of the course unless you have been instructed otherwise. Welcome...enjoy the course and we'll see you back in 4 months or less! Read more

The Responsible Vendor Alcohol Tri-Annual Update: The Habitual Drunkard satisfies the mandatory attendance in Florida for a tri-annual update which must be fulfilled every 4 months in order to comply with the Responsible Vendor Program. Every front of the house Food & Beverage Manager, server, bartender, ID checker, cashier, concession stand attendant and anybody else who handles alcoholic beverages must complete this course every 4 months. This habitual drunkard update emphasizes the signs to look for in recognizing that your guest may be addicted to alcohol and that you must refuse to serve him. In order to complete the course, the learner must read and review every screen and answer the quiz questions.  Updates expire after 4 months when attendance is due again. Attendees and their managers are urged to pay close attention and re-enroll in the next update prior to the expiration date on the awarded certificate.    Most learners will complete the course in 30 minutes or less however, if you wish to exit the course and save your place to finish it later you may use the bookmarking feature. Bookmarking is a feature that asks if you wish to resume where you left off the last time you were in the Course. Not all browsers support it such as some versions of Internet Explorer. We apologize for the inconvenience and encourage you to try another browser such as Google Chrome, Safari or Mozilla Firefox.    All users are encouraged to take the Course on a PC (desktop computer) for a more enjoyable experience as it is not always fully responsive nor large enough on a smart phone. Attendees are urged to forward to or print for management the Certificate attained at the completion of the course. If you stumble at any point, we recommend clicking on the FAQs.  Enjoy the course!   Read more

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